Went out fort a short trip with the boat to check if the mamas still were in the shallow water for spawning. Diden’t start to well. Just two small ones during the first hour of fishing. Hard winds from southeast (8-10m/s) and just above 10 Celcius in the air. Water temp pending beween 6,8 and 8,0 Celcius.
Me and friend Peter wear about to go back and just face the fact that spawning were over. But still I wanted Peter to get a new personal best on pike. The poor guy have tried so many times to go over his 3,9 kg and 84 cm as a personal best and I know there is bigger fish in the area than that, even if they are spawning or not. So we decided to stay for at least one more hour. And that was the best hour for a long time for Peter. I lost a BIG one and Peter caught 2 smaller ones. Yes, they are here. 10 min later it was Peters turn to get somthing bigger on the hooks. And sure it was big. Success!!! Peter wiped out his old PB of 3,9kg to the new one of 8,6 kg and 101cm!
I lift my hat of and say congratulations!
8,6 kg and 101 cm
Sorry Peter, I have the record at westcoastfishing! 107 cm, but that one is not on a picture in this blog – do not know why…
Jävlar va fet den va! Grattis
and I have the” westcoastfishing” Pike record.
-the pike master…..LOL
Im the beast!