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West Coast Fishing

Sea Trout Cup

The fishing Posted on Thu, April 29, 2010 18:01:10

During the last weekend in April I went to Öland to join Havsöring cup 2010. This is an annual competition and this year it was 10th anniversary. For me it was the second time in the competition.

How did it go? Well, not to good. About 60 compedeters did fish for two days (saturday and sunday) and less than 10 fishes were caught. three of these were big enough for the competition, biggest of 3,08kg.

A long and cold winter may explain some of the bad fishing. Low water temperatures and not the best wheather. Lest hope for some better fishing next year.

2 nice trouts caught by Johan Bjelkendal the day before the competition

If you are interested of the competition or just the sea trout fishing in Öland visit my good friend and the great guide Johan Bjelkendal. Go to

Some pics from the pike fishing

The fishing Posted on Thu, April 29, 2010 16:55:42

Have had an amzing pikefishing in the middle of April. Here you have 4 biggest mamas caught. More pics will come, just keep whatcing. Erik with nice one of 103 cm and 8 kilos

Rolf with a new personal bets of 104 cm and 8 kg

Fredik with a angry one of 92 cm and 7 kg

Here I am with 104 cm pike of 8,5 kg